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Why don't we have contracts with health insurance companies?

In our practice, we want to do dentistry at the highest level. In order to offer our patients the best care, we need to work with modern materials and high-quality equipment.


In order to keep up with the current trends and methods, we attend professional trainings and lectures.

These facts must be reflected in the resulting price of the treatment. At the same time, we must note that the doctor does not create the prices himself. Prices are professionally calculated by a specialised company based on the so-called minute calculation, the complexity of the performed treatment and the materials used.


The health insurance company does not correspond to today's treatment options, and we cannot work with the most modern technologies, which are understandably more expensive.


Therefore, low or zero treatment prices are usually at the expense of quality and long-term results.


So it only depends on you which path you choose.

In our dental office, we stand behind the quality of the performed procedures and we prefer a personal approach while maintaining the maximum comfort of the patient.

A job well done with a long-term effect is our absolute standard.

© Stomatologie Matas, MDDr. Tomáš Matas 2024

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